Umat Nabi Muhammad S.A.W * السَّلاَمُ* *عَلَيْكُمْ* *وَرَحْمَةُ* *اللهِ* *وَبَرَكَاتُهُُ*
Ahad, 15 Mei 2022
Sabtu, 14 Mei 2022
The S&P 500 Twitter Sentiment Index#YourVoiceYourIndexThe S&P 500 Twitter Sentiment Index is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices
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The S&P 500 Twitter Sentiment Index
The S&P 500 Twitter Sentiment Index is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC. S&P® and S&P 500® are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC; Twitter® is a registered trademark of Twitter, Inc. The Index is meant for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any securities. Any investment entails a risk of loss. Please consult your financial advisor before investing.
Giving your voice the value it deserves.
Consider your feelings validated
Introducing the S&P 500 Twitter Sentiment Index, a brand new stock market index powered by Twitter data and layered with model-driven analytics rules from S&P Dow Jones Indices, the world's foremost provider of best-in-class indices. This innovative index analyzes $cashtag Tweets, which include stock tickers such as $TWTR, to track sentiment, for an index designed to reflect how the world’s largest focus group is talking about the top publicly-traded companies (as represented by the S&P 500).
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Because it’s your voice, your index
There’s value in the conversation. We know it. You know it. And now there’s an index that knows it, too. The S&P 500 Twitter Sentiment Index tracks select companies that are Tweeted about by the people on Twitter, using sentiment data derived from Tweets as an input to build an index that weights the most positively-talked about companies in the S&P 500 Index.
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S&P Dow Jones Indices is the largest global resource for essential index-based concepts, data, and research. Home to iconic financial market indicators such as the S&P 500®, and now the S&P 500® Twitter Sentiment Index, S&P Dow Jones Indices has been defining the way investors measure the markets since Charles Dow invented the very first index in 1884.
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PONTIANTOWN CHANNEL YOUTUBE.COMgtag('config', 'AW-10858703127');
Jumaat, 13 Mei 2022
Tingkatkan Tajuk, Teg, dan Huraian Video Anda untuk Meningkatkan Penonton Anda di YouTube media sosial
Tingkatkan Tajuk, Teg, dan Huraian Video Anda untuk Meningkatkan Penonton Anda di YouTube
YouTube mungkin merupakan platform masuk untuk kandungan video, tetapi itu tidak bermakna pelanggan YouTube anda akan memaafkan anda kerana kandungan yang ditulis dengan teruk di platform tersebut. Sekiranya anda serius mempromosikan pertumbuhan perniagaan melalui pemasaran YouTube dan ingin video anda mendapat lebih banyak tontonan YouTube, anda harus memastikan meta-data video anda (tajuk, tag, dan keterangan) dipilih dengan baik sehingga bahawa anda dapat meningkatkan kedudukan mesin carian anda. Dapatkan lebih banyak paparan YouTube dan dapatkan lebih banyak pelanggan YouTube yang sebenar.
Artikel ini akan mengkaji setiap tiga aspek meta-data video anda dan memberi anda beberapa amalan terbaik untuk memperbaikinya.
Tajuk video
Anda mendapat 100 watak dalam tajuk video anda, yang dipendekkan menjadi 70 aksara dalam hasil carian. Menulis tajuk yang baik untuk video anda penting kerana memberi kesan kepada kadar klik-tayang (RKT) video anda kerana orang akan memutuskan untuk menontonnya berdasarkan tajuk dan gambar kecil. SEO juga dipengaruhi oleh tajuk yang anda tulis, jadi masuk akal untuk mengambil usaha menulis tajuk yang baik.
Amalan terbaik
Pastikan tajuk anda mempunyai kata kunci
Memiliki tajuk kaya kata kunci sangat penting untuk meningkatkan hasil carian di YouTube. Memulakan tajuk anda dengan kata kunci utama anda dan memasukkan tajuk utama dalam 70 aksara pertama akan memastikan bahawa ia dilihat dalam hasil carian. Lakukan penyelidikan mengenai kata kunci untuk topik anda atau gunakan penjana kata kunci untuk memastikan anda mempunyai kata kunci yang tepat untuk video anda.
Pastikan tajuk anda dioptimumkan untuk CTR
CTR yang tinggi, akan menunjukkan kepada algoritma YouTube bahawa orang berminat dengan kandungan anda dan membolehkan anda mendapatkan lebih banyak tontonan YouTube untuk video anda. Untuk meningkatkan CTR dengan tajuk anda:
Gunakan nombor
Gunakan perkataan atau frasa yang akan menarik perhatian anda Pelanggan YouTube.
Jangan takut membuat tajuk yang penuh emosi.
Jangan membuat kesilapan menggunakan tajuk clickbait.
Tajuk clickbait mungkin terdengar seperti idea yang bagus, tetapi tajuk tersebut hanya akan memberi kesan negatif kepada pertumbuhan saluran anda. Sekiranya orang berhenti pada awal video anda, ini memberi isyarat kepada algoritma YouTube bahawa video anda kemungkinan besar mempunyai tajuk umpan klik, sehingga peringkat carian anda terjejas.
Biarkan Headline Analyzer membantu anda
Headline Analyzer dari CoSchedule adalah salah satu alat yang dapat membantu menilai tajuk video anda dan memberi anda maklum balas serta cadangan untuk meningkatkan tajuk anda.
Optimumkan semula video lama anda
Video lama yang tidak menarik banyak tontonan YouTube atau pelanggan YouTube dapat dioptimumkan kembali dengan membuat perubahan pada meta-data video. Anda dapat mengenal pasti video mana yang mempunyai jumlah tontonan YouTube paling sedikit dan menulis tajuk lain untuk video tersebut untuk menjadikannya lebih menarik dan kemudian melihat hasilnya.
Pastikan tajuk dan gambar kecil anda masuk akal
Umumnya orang membuat keputusan tentang menonton atau tidak video di YouTube berdasarkan gambar kecil dan tajuk, jadi pastikan ia masuk akal dan boleh mendorong penonton untuk mengklik video tersebut.
Teg video
Teg video di YouTube adalah kata dan frasa tertentu yang membantu memberi konteks pada video. Dengan tag video, anda boleh menambahkan hingga 500 aksara di bahagian teg dengan teg yang mempunyai had 30 aksara. Teg penting yang mesti ditambahkan pada video anda ialah:
Kata kunci utama
Kata kunci LSI
Perkataan yang menerangkan kandungan video
Tanda jenama dan saluran
Amalan terbaik
Jadikan tag pertama anda sebagai kata kunci sasaran
Teg yang muncul terlebih dahulu cenderung diberi yang paling penting, jadi pastikan anda meletakkan kata kunci sasaran yang tepat sebagai teg pertama anda.
Campurkan dengan label yang luas dan fokus
Teg fokus memberi YouTube idea yang jelas mengenai topik video anda, tetapi teg yang lebih luas juga diperlukan untuk memberikan konteks pada video anda. Sekiranya kata kunci utama video anda adalah "bagaimana melakukan papan", teg yang difokuskan akan berkaitan dengan yang sama, tetapi teg yang luas seperti "latihan" dan "kecergasan" akan membantu memberi konteks pada video anda
Jangan keterlaluan
Keseluruhan idea
menggunakan teg adalah untuk mempermudah konteks video anda, jadi berpegang pada 5-8 teg (luas dan fokus) yang dapat memberi YouTube idea yang jelas mengenai kandungan anda. Menggunakan tag berlebihan hanya untuk kepentingannya sebenarnya akan lebih membahayakan daripada kebaikan kerana mengaburkan garis yang memudahkan YouTube untuk menentukan isi kandungan anda dengan tepat.
Lekatkan 2-3 perkataan setiap teg
Walaupun ini tidak selalu dapat dilakukan, berpegang pada 2-3 kata per tag didapati dapat meningkatkan SEO untuk video di YouTube. Teg yang terlalu pendek mungkin tidak memberikan maklumat yang mencukupi kepada YouTube untuk mengenal pasti kandungan kandungan anda, dan teg yang terlalu panjang hanya boleh menyebabkan maklumat berlebihan dan kebingungan.
Gunakan alat untuk menghasilkan tag
Alat seperti TagTube dan VidIQ Boost dapat membantu anda mendapatkan teg yang betul untuk video anda di YouTube. Yang mesti anda buat ialah memasukkan kata kunci utama video anda dan anda akan menerima senarai cadangan teg yang boleh anda gunakan untuk video anda.
Gunakan kata kunci ekor panjang sebagai teg
Variasi panjang kata kunci anda menghasilkan teg yang hebat yang dapat membantu menyebarkan video anda dan mendapatkan lebih banyak tontonan YouTube.
Pastikan teg anda tepat
Jangan hanya menambah tag popular untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak tontonan YouTube. Menggunakan nama selebriti sebagai tanda untuk meningkatkan SEO boleh memberi kesan sebaliknya, sehingga video anda dihapus.
Gunakan teg dari video popular
Teg tidak hanya mempromosikan SEO di YouTube, tetapi juga memberi anda kesempatan untuk muncul di bahagian video yang disarankan di YouTube dengan memadankan kandungan anda dengan kandungan popular lain di platform, sehingga Anda dapat menggunakan tag dari konten popular yang relevan menggunakan TubeBuddy untuk meningkatkan kemungkinan video anda muncul di bahagian video yang disyorkan.
Penerangan video
Penerangan video membantu memberi idea mengenai konteks dan kandungan video anda. Anda mendapat 5000 aksara untuk keterangan video dan walaupun ini mungkin banyak ruang, anda perlu memanfaatkannya dengan baik untuk meningkatkan kedudukan YouTube anda dan menarik lebih banyak pelanggan YouTube yang sebenar.
Sekiranya anda ingin mendapatkan lebih banyak paparan YouTube, anda mesti membuat 3 baris pertama keterangan anda dikira. Inilah yang akan dilihat oleh pelanggan YouTube anda sebelum "melihat lebih banyak" muncul. Ini akan muncul dalam hasil carian jadi pastikan anda memasukkan kata kunci anda dalam 3 baris ini, tanpa keterlaluan.
Kekalkan kejelasan
Pastikan penerangan anda menyampaikan dengan jelas apa sebenarnya video dan apa yang diharapkan oleh pelanggan dan penonton YouTube anda. Sekiranya penerangan yang mengikuti 3 baris pertama panjang, lebih mudah dibaca dengan menggunakan perenggan pendek, titik peluru, dan pecahkan teks menggunakan watak seperti tanda bintang. Pilih kata kunci terbaik yang menggambarkan kandungan anda dan pastikan kata kunci tersebut disertakan sekurang-kurangnya 2-3 kali dalam keterangan video anda untuk penekanan. Anda juga dapat mencari kata kunci pelengkap untuk ditambahkan pada keterangan anda, tetapi pastikan anda menulis dengan nada perbualan. Jangan hanya menyenaraikan kata kunci anda kerana itu tidak akan memberi anda nilai tambah dengan algoritma YouTube.
Sertakan cap waktu
Sekiranya video anda panjang dan merangkumi pelbagai aspek dalam topik, gunakan cap waktu untuk membantu penonton anda keluar. Walaupun anda mungkin mahu orang menonton video penuh, mengarahkan orang ke bahagian yang berbeza dari video anda dengan cap waktu dapat memudahkan pengalaman menonton dan menarik lebih banyak pelanggan YouTube.
Sertakan pautan
Sertakan pautan ke produk anda dan media sosial dalam keterangan video sehingga penonton yang berminat dengan kandungan anda dapat diarahkan ke halaman ini. Pautan dapat membantu anda melihat pertumbuhan penjualan dan membantu anda mengewangkan saluran anda.
Kredit kerja lain
Sekiranya anda telah mengutip orang lain atau menggunakan muzik mereka dalam video anda, pastikan untuk memberi kredit juga dalam keterangan video kerana ini hanya akan meningkatkan kredibiliti anda di kalangan pelanggan YouTube anda.
Sertakan CTA anda
Penerangan video anda harus merangkumi CTA untuk perkara yang harus dilakukan penonton seterusnya. Sekiranya anda mahu mereka melanggan, periksa laman web jenama anda, kongsi video anda, aktifkan pemberitahuan, atau periksa produk anda, pastikan keterangan anda mempunyai CTA yang jelas.
Sediakan nilai
Tuliskan keterangan anda sedemikian rupa sehingga penonton ingin menonton video kerana mereka akan melihat nilai di dalamnya. Sekiranya produk / perkhidmatan anda menyelesaikan masalah yang dapat dikaitkan dengan orang lain, pasti akan mendapat lebih banyak tontonan YouTube. Orang perlu percaya bahawa menonton video anda akan memberi manfaat kepada mereka dalam beberapa cara, jadi beri mereka alasan untuk mempercayainya.
Penerangan ujian pada beberapa peranti
Orang mungkin menonton video anda dari telefon, layar komputer, atau tablet mereka, jadi uji keterangan anda di beberapa peranti untuk memastikan bahawa kata kunci tidak terputus dan kejelasan dijaga.
Kandungan video yang sangat baik perlu dilengkapi dengan kandungan bertulis yang hebat untuk menarik perhatian penonton, mendapatkan lebih banyak pelanggan YouTube dan tontonan YouTube, dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan perniagaan. Semasa anda menyempurnakan kandungan video anda, pastikan anda menyimpan petua ini agar tajuk, teg, dan perihalan anda betul. Penonton anda hanya akan kembali lagi
EMUIEMUI 12 doesn’t come HarmonyOS EMUI 12 App Snippets, HarmonyOS operating system is currently limited to the Chinese market and the company has confirmed not to bring it to the global market in the meantime. The software comes with various new features that go head to head with Google’s Android software..
EMUIEMUI 12 doesn’t come HarmonyOS
EMUI 12 App Snippets
HarmonyOS operating system is Market and the company has confirmed not to bring it to the global
On the other hand, EMUI 12 has been unveiled as the next major software update for the global Huawei smartphone consumers. We thought that the company would also bring HarmonyOS to the global device owners, instead, the firm has decided to stick with EMUI in the meantime.
But the line between HarmonyOS and EMUI 12 is very thin and only a HarmonyOS user could identify the changes. While others may not, because both now share the same user interface, which first appeared on HarmonyOS.
Still, a few HarmonyOS features are missing in the process, that we thought to implement in the EMUI 12 software system including the App Snippets. Yes, this is one of the most useful features that could make app handling easy for you.
So, what are App Snippets?
HarmonyOS brought in App Snippets to enable you to preview and access common app services and features without opening an entire app. For example, the weather snippet takes you to the weather forecast, and the Music snippet allows you to control music playback.
EMUI 12 App Snippets
Here’s how you can use App Snippets:
Swipe up on an app icon to expand a snippet, and touch any area outside of the snippet to collapse it. To pin or remove an app snippet, touch the pin icon of an app after opening the app snippet to pin an app snippet to the home screen, and touch and hold the snippet to move or remove it.
Aside from this capability, your App Snippets allows you to select from a different style by touch and hold a snippet, then touch More snippets to select your desired snippets style and tap on Add to the home screen to enable them on board.
Not in EMUI 12:
Yeah, we surely missing App Snippets in EMUI 12, which could be a powerful adaption of this HarmonyOS feature for the Huawei smartphone owners in the global market.
Check out the article below to see, App Snippets feature in action.
UP NEXTEMUI 12 Features: New UI design, Motion effect, Control Panel, Device Plus and more
DON'T MISSEMUI 12 Rollout Schedule for Russia and Central Asia
Amy SarkarAmy is our firmware and software specialist, she keeps her eagle eyes open for new software rollouts, beta programs, and other software related activities as well as new smartphone launch.ADVERTISEMENT
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January 2022 EMUI issues
May 2022 EMUI security patch fixes for these 17 privacy issues
EMUIEMUI 12 beta rolling out for Huawei P20 and P20 ProPublished 7 hours ago on May 11, 2022By Amy SarkarHuawei P20 EMUI 12 beta
Finally! the first global triple camera smartphone series of Huawei – Huawei P20 has started receiving the EMUI 12 beta update. Last month, Huawei has officially opened EMUI 12 beta testing slots for P20 series smartphones available in the overseas market.
Now, the wait is finally over and Huawei P20 registered beta testers started receiving the first installment of the EMUI 12 beta. According to the information, the Huawei P20 series beta update is rolling out with version (C432E4R1log).
Editor’s pick: Huawei P20 series starts EMUI 12 beta [Global]
To grab it, the corresponding smartphone owners are required to download the software package size of 4.40 Gigabytes. As usual, the update is gradually expanding among the P20 consumers and may take some time to cover all.
It is really an enjoyable moment for the old-flagship P20 lineup and also a new beginning for the device. Meanwhile, the non-beta testers have to wait until the stable release to get their hands on the latest custom OS skin.
Huawei P20 EMUI 12 beta
How to update:
To install, go to Settings then System & updates, then open Software update, from here select Check for updates. If an update is available it’ll pop up on your phone and an option of Download and install will appear. Press the option and start to download.
EMUI 12 changelog:
Font: Supports more flexible font adjustment, allowing you to adjust the size and weight with a slider.
Neumorphic Design: Applies the concept of neumorphism to Ul elements by using simple color tones, shadows, and highlights to create a more realistic effect.
Smart Folders: Supports touching and holding app folders on the home screen to enlarge them for easier access to the apps within them.
Notification Panel and Control Panel: This allows you to swipe down from the top left side of the screen to access the Notification Panel to view notifications, and from the top right side to access the Control Panel to use shortcuts. Adds an audio control section to Control Panel, making it easier to switch between different audio devices and audio apps. Allows you to touch Huawei laptop and tablet icons in the Device+ section of the Control Panel to quickly enable Multi-Screen Collaboration.
Collaborative Security: Adds a mobile phone-laptop collaborative authentication feature, which allows you to unlock your phone by entering the phone’s screen unlock password on your Huawei laptop when your phone and laptop are connected via Multi-Screen Collaboration.
Cross-Device File Management: Supports accessing documents or images on your phone using a laptop without having to connect the two devices with a data cable.
MeeTime: Adds the MeeTime app, allowing you to make HD voice and video calls using a Wi-Fi or data network. Adds support for sharing the screen during video calls, allowing you to mark and share key information while video chatting.
Huawei Share: Improves the transmission speed of Huawei Share for faster file sharing between Huawei phones, tablets, and laptops.
Huawei P20 EMUI 12 beta
(Source: Huaweiailesi)
CONTINUE READINGEMUIMay 2022 EMUI security patch fixes for these 17 privacy issuesPublished 9 hours ago on May 11, 2022By Amy SarkarJanuary 2022 EMUI issues
Huawei is always concerned about user overall system security and data privacy. To fix the security flaws encountered in the latest software system, Huawei releases a monthly security patch for EMUI and HarmonyOS-powered devices.
In the latest move, Huawei has dispatched the May 2022 EMUI security patch detail, which is published on the Android security bulletin. In detail, the latest security patch fixes 1 critical, 14 high, and 16 medium levels of CVE.
Are thinking the May 2022 security patch detail contains only above mentioned fixes? Well, that’s not it, the May 2022 EMUI patch also includes fixes for some additional issues, which can cause major problems for the users.
With May 2022 security update, the company resolves a total of 17 common vulnerabilities and issues found in EMUI software systems. Currently, Huawei is seeding the latest EMUI 12 major OS update in global Huawei smartphones.
However, there are some CVEs found in the latest EMUI 12. Therefore, the installation of the May 2022 update is really important for increased system security and privacy.
January 2022 EMUI issues
The May 2022 security update fixed the following EMUI issues:
CVE 1:
CVE-2021-46785: Improper permission control vulnerability in the Property module
Severity: Medium
Affected versions: EMUI 12.0.0
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability can result in the obtaining of the unique device identifier.
Acknowledgment: Zhang Qing (ByteDance), Wang Kailong (NUS), and Bai Guang Dong (UQ)
CVE 2:
CVE-2021-46789: Configuration defects in the secure OS module
Severity: Medium
Affected versions: EMUI 11.0.1
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability will affect availability.
CVE 3:
CVE-2021-46788: Third-party pop-up window coverage vulnerability in the iConnect module
Severity: Medium
Affected versions: EMUI 12.0.0, EMUI 11.0.0, EMUI 10.1.1, EMUI 10.1.0, EMUI 10.0.0, Magic UI 4.0.0, Magic UI 3.1.1, Magic UI 3.1.0, Magic UI 3.0.0
Impact: System pop-up window may be covered to mislead users to perform incorrect operations.
CVE 4:
CVE-2021-46787: Improper permission control vulnerability in the AMS module
Severity: High
Affected versions: EMUI 11.0.1, EMUI 12.0.0, EMUI 11.0.0, EMUI 10.1.1, EMUI 10.1.0, Magic UI 4.0.0, Magic UI 3.1.1, Magic UI 3.1.0
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause non-system application processes to crash.
CVE 5:
CVE-2021-46786: Insufficient verification of the parameters transferred by the application space in the audio module
Severity: Medium
Affected versions: EMUI 12.0.0, EMUI 11.0.1, EMUI 11.0.0, EMUI 10.1.1, EMUI 10.1.0, Magic UI 4.0.0, Magic UI 3.1.1, Magic UI 3.1.0
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause out-of-bounds memory access.
CVE 6:
CVE-2021-40010: Heap overflow vulnerability in the bone voice ID trusted application (TA).
Severity: Critical
Affected versions: EMUI 12.0.0, EMUI 11.0.1, EMUI 11.0.0, EMUI 10.1.1, EMUI 10.1.0, EMUI 10.0.0, Magic UI 4.0.0, Magic UI 3.1.1, Magic UI 3.1.0, Magic UI 3.0.0
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may result in malicious code execution.
CVE 7:
CVE-2022-22258: Event notification vulnerability in the Wi-Fi module
Severity: Medium
Affected versions: EMUI 10.1.0, EMUI 10.1.1, EMUI 11.0.0, HMOS 2.0.0, Magic UI 3.1.0, Magic UI 3.1.1, Magic UI 4.0.0
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause third-party apps to intercept and add information and result in elevation of privilege.
CVE 8:
CVE-2022-29794: UAF vulnerability in the frame scheduling module
Severity: Medium
Affected versions: EMUI 12.0.0
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability will affect integrity, availability, and confidentiality.
CVE 9:
CVE-2022-22261: Unstrict verification of the validity of the weight in the model in hiaiserver
Severity: Medium
Affected versions: EMUI 12.0.0
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability will cause AI service exceptions.
CVE 10:
CVE-2022-29793: Configuration defects in the activation lock of the mobile phone
Severity: Medium
Affected versions: EMUI 12.0.0
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may affect availability.
CVE 11:
CVE-2022-29792: Serial number obtaining vulnerability in the chip assembly
Severity: Medium
Affected versions: EMUI 12.0.0
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may affect confidentiality.
CVE 12:
CVE-2022-29791: Unstrict verification of the validity of the weight in the model in hiaiserver
Severity: Medium
Affected versions: EMUI 12.0.0
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability will cause AI service exceptions.
CVE 13:
CVE-2022-29790: Service abnormality caused by multi-threaded access to the database in the graphics acceleration service
Severity: Medium
Affected versions: EMUI 12.0.0
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause service exceptions.
CVE 14:
CVE-2022-29789: Unstrict verification of the validity of the property in the model in hiaiserver
Severity: Medium
Affected versions: EMUI 12.0.0
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability will cause AI service exceptions.
CVE 15:
CVE-2022-29795: Null pointer dereference vulnerability in the frame scheduling module
Severity: High
Affected versions: EMUI 12.0.0
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability will affect availability.
CVE 16:
CVE-2022-29796: Unstrict verification of the validity of the weight in the model in hiaiserver
Severity: Medium
Affected versions: EMUI 12.0.0
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability will cause AI service exceptions.
CVE 17:
CVE-2022-22260: UAF vulnerability in the kernel module
Severity: Medium
Affected versions: EMUI 12.0.0
Impact: Successful exploitation of this vulnerability will affect integrity and availability.
(Source: Huawei)
CONTINUE READINGEMUIEMUI 12 Features: New UI design, Motion effect, Control Panel, Device Plus and morePublished 9 hours ago on May 11, 2022By Amy SarkarEMUI 12
Huawei has released the EMUI 12 operating system, which comes with a suite of new features, user interface (UI) design, animation effects, seamless device controller, and other important enhancements over EMUI 11.
EMUI 12 design reflects the design scheme of the HarmonyOS operating system. From UI to features, all carry the same rhythm. However, Huawei has remained silent on the based software of EMUI 12.
Let’s jump to the matter, and explore the EMUI 12 Features:
Minimalist Design:
EMUI 12 comes with a new innovative user interface design that has beautiful rounds corners and provides a seamless viewing experience. There are finely tuned gradients that create a perfect sense of depth in the display, while the simple black, white and blue color format offers a clean and refined look.
EMUI 12 seamless design
Motion Effects:
This EMUI software comes with new animation effects that reflect realistic gravity and magnet animation effects. The latest animations added to the UI reflects the celestial objects move in the universe, and makes the overall touch interaction more smoother and interactive.
Font Weight:
The new software supports stepless weight adjustment, which allows you to adjust the size and the weight of the font by just adjusting the slider. This new feature enhances the user’s viewing experience and makes the UI labels more visible for better UI controls.
stepless font
Control Panel:
Control Panel is an all-in-one solution that you can access by swiping down from the top right corner of the display. The Control Panel consists of audio playback, WiFi, and Bluetooth settings on the same screen.
EMUI 12 Control Panel
That’s not it because the Control Panel the above-mentioned controls are followed by shortcut switches section. There’s also a Device+ section. The aim of the Control Panel is to provide you the quickest possible options on the go without at the fastest pace.
Notification Center:
Compared to the EMUI 11, the Notification Center is now separated from the Quick settings panel. The users now have a brand new notification center, that you can access via swiping down from the top left corner of the display.
Finally, let’s talk about the “Device+”. This feature resembles the Super Device feature on the HarmonyOS 2. What are the use cases? Let’s take a brief look.
You can simply tap on the MatePad icon (as shown in the image) to activate a multi-screen collaboration with MatePad. This will help you conduct calls, send messages, and check photos from your phone on the tablet screen.
EMUI 12 Device+
Once connected with MateBook, you can edit your phone’s files directly using your laptop’s bigger display with ease of access. Want to enjoy your phone’s content on an even bigger display? Don’t worry, EMUI 12’s Device+ supports Huawei Vision smart TVs.
Lastly, the earbuds support of the Device+ allows you to listen to should of the other connected device such as Huawei Vision, without disturbing other people.
Distributed File System:
Distributed File System is quite powerful and works best, with this feature, you can get instant access to your phone documents or photos as easily as to access another disk drive on your laptop.
Most interestingly, these all functionalities can be conducted without touching your phone’s data cable.
distributed file system
MeeTime video calls were introduced with EMUI 10.1 and improved in EMUI 11. With EMUI 12, Huawei is taking a step ahead, this feature now supports cross-device video calls, you can seamlessly shift video calls picked up on your phone to Huawei Vision by using the MeeTime Video Call Transfer feature, and shift the call back to your phone, as per your requirement.
Huawei Meetime
Time to come to an important part – Performance, the EMUI 12, provides faster web pages and apps loading as you scroll. You can return to the page next time as you load it up.
Even after a long term of use, the EMUI 12 ensures to provide optimum performance, operation response, and app startup as it was doing initially.
Lastly, the security. EMUI 12 comes with better security and privacy protection, You can input your password to unlock your phone from your laptop while being connected to the Multi-screen collaboration feature.
Moreover, you can set your smartwatch as a trusted device of your phone for extra protection. Your phone will only respond when your phone is connected via Face unlock.
Also, Read:
Huawei HarmonyOS Upgrade Plan: Devices and Rollout Time
Sports Car imej & cerita mengenai sports Car
kereta sport apa yg terbaek. yeaa betul.
kali ini aku nak cerita tentang 10 kereta sport terbaek yg ada di pasaran.
tapi aku nak cerita balik dari apa yg aku terlihat di satu slot di dalam channel discovery kat astro nuu. tajuk slot tu adalah
aku pun layaaaannn. aku terpikir gak dari mana depa ni dpt idea nak wat carta ni, maksud aku, cane nak letak keta apa kat tangga 10 atau tiga atau yg pertama.
depa kata dgn menemuramah beberapa individu yg bergiat atau berkecimpung dengan mendalam lagi rapat dlm dunia kereta ni yang mana terdiri daripada bekas pemandu F1, pelumba terkenal,
nama pun dah discovery channel, sudah tentu la org2 tadi tuu semua org puteh la. komen yang bias? mungkin.
Selasa, 10 Mei 2022
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